Pro-Fondi® EVOAnd spare parts
Previuos modelSpare parts
Electric device for the disposal of coffee grounds.
€ 990,00 - 25% € 742,50
The 53-58 mm universal version of the new springless impeller of Pro-Fondi® EVO.
€ 35,00
Motor unit with crankcase and wiring harness
€ 130,00
Original Pro-Fondi® EVO 12V power supply unit
€ 45,00
This ring attaches the bag to the Pro-Fondi® EVO where the coffee grounds fall directly at the end of the cleaning cycle.
€ 19,00
Pro-Fondi® EVO is equipped with an electronic board that monitors the operating status of the device in real time and signals any faults.
€ 170,00
The stainless steel plate protects Pro-Fondi® EVO and adds a touch of elegance.
€ 60,00